Dear Church Family,
We are writing to you with some exciting news!
Our mission has been clear from the beginning: We are to make and mature disciples in our neighborhoods and nations. Because we have sought to accomplish this mission since 1939, we are experiencing some “growing pains” right now.
We thank God for His recent blessings on our church, which are evidenced in our growth—numerically, financially, and spiritually. We sincerely believe God is using Gospel Baptist Church and our various ministries to accomplish the MISSION through us.
The blessing of numerical growth has presented us with a problem—although a good problem. We have almost reached 80% capacity in our 10:00 morning worship service. Being at 80% capacity tells guests, “There is no room for you,” we must make some changes. In addition, these changes are similar to how we have done things recently, before COVID-19 (We had two services for several years before 2020).
The ministry staff has evaluated this for about ten months, leading us to engage the deacons in searching for solutions. We cannot continue as we are; to do so would limit God's future blessings of growth. After serious thought, time, and prayer, we have come up with the right solution: an additional service.
Currently, we offer one Sunday morning worship service at 10:00 a.m. and adult Bible Study classes at 9:00 a.m. However, we need to change the times of these services to accommodate the growth issue outlined above, provide us with many future opportunities, and make the best use of our facility.
The pastoral staff, deacons, and trustees recommend the following solution, which they agree is the best. The plan is to evaluate its effectiveness after six months.
9:30 a.m. — Blended Worship Service (Nursery, Children's Church, Jr. Church)
JT Mahaffey and the worship team will lead the music in this service.
9:30 a.m. — Morning Bible Study Fellowship(s)
10:45 a.m. — Morning Bible Study Fellowship(s)
10:45 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. — Blended Worship Service (Nursery, Children's Church, Jr. Church)
A volunteer worship team will lead the music in this service.
**The leadership is still trying to decide on the exact time of the second service and will decide in the next few weeks. We are trying to take into consideration all age groups here.**
6:00 p.m. — Bible Study Fellowships, Nursery, Children’s clubs, Youth Groups.
Pro: Offering two worship services provides more opportunities to worship.
Pro: It creates more space in both services, allowing more people to attend.
Pro: These times allow our church to make minimal adjustments to our current schedule.
Pro: Young families will likely attend a later morning service and attend a morning Bible Study.
Pro: Allows for more opportunity for the choir to sing.
Pro: Allows for more people to serve AND attend a worship service. People can “attend one and serve one.”
Pro: It allows for more Bible Study Fellowships to start on Sunday mornings. Church experts argue that you need about seven groups per hundred people.
Pro: Maximizes our small groups and worship services.
Pro: Creates the opportunity to keep up with and minister to people better.
Pro: Creates more intimacy in each service for the time being.
Pro: Creates more opportunities for deeper connection in Bible study fellowships.
Pro: No Cost
Pro: Not Irreversible
Pro: More Bible Study Fellowships at the 9:30 or 10:45 slot for all ages.
Con: Growing pains! While it might be challenging to separate the services, this will allow us to focus on eternity,
reach more people, and provide opportunities to worship comfortably.
That said, we know change can sometimes be difficult to adjust to, but we sincerely believe this solution is God's will for our church now. This approach allows for further numerical and spiritual growth in our Sunday morning worship and provides opportunities for growth in other ministries.
Please give careful thought and prayer to this matter as we continue to seek God's will. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with Pastor Nick.
Important Dates and Reminders:
By God’s grace, our last service at 10:00 a.m. is Sunday, January 12, 2025.
We will ordain three new deacons, Ronnie Carter, Josh Mounce, and Roger Cockman, on January 12.
By God’s grace, the two-service schedule will start on Sunday, January 19, 2025.
In the meantime, for the sake of the mission, we must be flexible, sacrificial, and willing to give up seats, especially during Christmas.
That means we might ask our leadership and willing volunteers to sit in the choir loft or step into an overflow room for December.
We are working to provide more fellowships during the year to bring both services together. Look for more opportunities in 2025.
If you would like to discuss these matters or have any questions, please know that Pastor Nick is willing and available to discuss them. Please feel free to reach out!
Blessings, Pastoral Staff, Deacons & Trustees